Explain Factors Influencing good packaging Design


Explain Factors Influencing good packaging Design.

Ans.    While designing the packaging, the following considerations need to be looked into:

1.      The type of product that is to be packaged. If the product is delicate, it may require more packaging in order to protect the product from damage.

2.      The cost of the product. If the product is costly then it makes economical sense to protect the product with a higher amount of packaging so that the goods are not damaged.

3.      The amount of handling the product has to go through. If there is a lot of handling is to be done then the product should be packaged properly for protection.

4.      Packaging should be such that it should be facilitate handling.

5.      Its ability to be reused. Sometimes packaging could be costly. In order to reduce cost per unit the package designed such that it can be reused. Example, soft drinks served in bottles, where bottle are reused many times over so that the cost of packaging (bottle) per unit of soft drink is low. Another example is that of containers which are reused.

6.      Its ability to be disposed. Once the use of packaging is over it should be disposed. There should be no problems while disposing the package. Therefore a lot of consumer durables are packaged in cardboard containers, which could be easily be disposed after its use.

7.      Its effect on environment. Care should be taken that packaging material should not harm the environment. The environmental impact of using plastics and wood as packaging material should be looked into.

Types of Packaging :

Packaging is classified into two types:

1.      Consumer oriented packaging in which packaging is designed for consumer convenience and appeal, marketing considerations and display.

2.      Logistic oriented industrial packaging focuses on the handling convenience and protection during transportation, material handling and storage.

Industrial packaging is performed in four stages. 

1.      First stage is packaging the product itself. For example, soft drinks are packaged in cans.

2.      Second stage is called Master cartons. In this case the packaged products are packed in larger cartons so that it can help in quantity handling.

3.      The third stage is that of formation of unit load. Here the master cartons are consolidated into a single, large unit to facilitate handling, transportation, protection and storage. This process may involve palletization, where the master cartons are mounted onto a standard size rigid platform.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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