Explain Logistics Park


Explain Logistic Park.

Ans.    Logistics Park is a logistics organization and management nodes relative concentration of construction and “development, with economic development nature of urban logistics functional areas:, it is also relying on related logistics services and facilities to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency and improve the flow of business services processing, raw material procurement, to facilitate direct contact and consumption in the production and other activities, with the economic function of the nature of industrial development zones, its outreach areas: logistics function as an urban zone, logistics park, including logistics center, distribution center, transportation hub facilities, transport organization and Management Center and logistics information center, as well as to adapt to the operational needs of urban logistics management and logistics infrastructure; as an economic functional areas, whose main role is to carry out to meet the urban consumer, the nearest production, regional production required by the organization of production and business activities of enterprises. According to the above definition, the modern logistics park has two main functions, namely, the logistics organization & management functions & rely on the economic development function of logistics services.

Logistics Park is concentrated in the areas of logistics operations, in the convergence of several modes of transport, the will be a variety of different types of logistics facilities and logistics enterprise in space focused on the layout of places, but also a certain scale and have a variety of services function of logistics enterprises in the assembly points. It includes eight features an integrated function, intensive functions, information transaction capabilities, centralized storage and functions, distribution processing function, multimodal function, support service functions, parking feature.

Among them, the contents of the comprehensive functions as follows: with the integration of logistics and logistics form the role of methods can be a comprehensive approach to storage, packing, handling, distribution processing, distribution and other practices and different practices between the conversion.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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