Explain SISI And Their Role In The Development of SMEs


small industries service institute



SISI and Their Role in the Development of SME’s:

        The main objective of the Institute is to provide technical & consultancy services to small scale industries. Providing promotions & extention services to small scale or ancillary & tiny units. Besides this, training, library, exhibition & economic information, workshop facilities are also provided.

         These institutes give on the spot technical assistance & to small units to solve their technical problems. They also advice small units on new & improved techniques of production & in the use of modern machinery & equipment. The following are the services;

  1. Technical Advisory Service-

To assist small units in the manufacture of quality & standardised product.

To prepare designs & drawings for special equipment such as dies, jigs, fixtures etc.

To provide workshops & laboratory facilities to small-scale units & to demonstrate the use of modern technical process on different machines & equipments.

To guide small units on the selection & use of raw materials & substitutes.


  1. Management Consultancy Services-

To conduct complete implant studies of individual small-scale units.

To guide small units in proper methods of industrial management, including finance, accounts, production management etc.

To provide special tech-managerial advise on cost reduction & economy in the use of raw materials, quality improvement etc.

To provide ad-hoc managerial advice on special problems to small scale units.


  1. Economic Advisory Services-

To guide small units on the sources of availability of finance from different agencies.

To conduct economic surveys of different agencies & suggest programmes for their future developments.

To conduct industrial surveys of backward areas & suggest scope for development of small industries based on locally available raw material.

To provide relevant economic & commercial information on different industries.


  1. Managerial Services-

To conduct export promotion training courses for small entrepreneurs.

To conduct technical training courses for supervisors & artisans in various technical subjects.

To conduct ad-hoc training courses in other areas of interests to small units.

To conduct small industrial management training courses & other courses in specialized subjects, for the benefit of small-scale units.




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