Explain Sternberg conception of Thinking styles?


Explain Sternberg conception of Thinking styles?

Ans.    1.      Thinking styles are preferences in the use of abilities, and not the abilities themselves.

2.      A match between styles and abilities creates a synergy which is more than a mere sum of its parts.

3.      The life choices we make should fit styles as well as abilities.

4.      People have profiles of styles, not just a single style.

5.      Styles vary across tasks, situations as well as across the life span.

6.      People differ in the strength of their preferences and in their stylistic flexibility.

7.      Styles are socialized, measurable and teachable.

8.      The value of styles may change. Styles valued at one time or in one place may not be valued at another.

9.      Styles are not good or bad – it’s a question of suitability.

Sternberg believed that thinking styles are as important to the quality of people’s work and to work enjoyment as abilities are. The more flexible people are, the better they can adjust to a variety of situations.

Understanding of thinking styles is important because it will help people perceive:

1.      Which activities fit them and which do not.

2.      Why some people suit them and others do not.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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