Explain The Characteristics of Intrepreneurial Environment


Characteristics of Intrepreneurial Environment



Characteristics of Intrepreneurial Environment:


  • Innovative Ideas –

               The organization should encourage innovative ideas & operate on the frontiers of technology.


  • No Force –

               The spirit of intrapreneurship cannot be forced on individuals but they should originate.


  • Encourage Experimentation –

              Experimentation trial- error must be encouraged. In the initial stages almost every entrepreneur meets with initials failure before establishing a successful idea/product or strategy.


  • Initial Opportunity Parameter –

              The organization should ensure that there are no initial opportunity parameters inhaling free creative problem solving.


  • Availability of Resources –

               Finance & human resources must be available on an ongoing basis. They should be easily accessible to the entrepreneur.


  • Encourage Team Work –

               For success of intrapreneurial activities in the organization teamwork approach need to be encouraged.


  • Evaluation –

             The company should set a long time horizon for evaluating success of intrapreneurial activities.


  • Reward –

              The organization should have a system of rewarding the intrapreneur so that he is motivated further to contribute to the growth of the company.


  • Alteration –

            The intrapreneur should be free to alter plans in order to achieve success as he seeks it. He should not be forced to reach the corporate goals by any means.


  • Support of Top Management –

           The T.M must support & encourage the intrepreneurial activity. Without their support a successful intrapreneurial environment cannot be created in an enterprise.



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