Factors To Be Considered By Media Planners:
The various Factors are:
- Reach
- Frequency
- Cost per Thousand
- Cost per point
- Impact
- Selectivity
- Reach :
It is the number of individuals (or homes) you wants to expose your product through specific media scheduled over a given period of time.
- Frequency:
Using specific media how many times, on average, should the individuals in your target audience be exposed to your advertising message?
- Cost per Thousand:
How much will it cost to reach a thousand of your prospective customers?
- Cost per point:
How much will it cost to buy one rating point for your target audience, a method used in company broadcast media?
- Impact:
Does the medium in question offer full opportunities for appealing to the appropriate sense, such as sight & hearing, in its graphic design & production quality?
- Selectivity:
To what degree can the message be restricted to those people who are known to be most logical prospects?