Explain The Importance of Sales Promotion


Sales Promotion


Importance of Sales Promotion:

The following are the reasons for undertaking actively all forms of sales promotion.

  • Increase sales.
  • Make the sales of slow- moving products faster
  • Stabilize of fluctuating sales pattern.
  • Indentify & attract new customers
  • Launch a new product quickly
  • Educate customers regarding product improvements.
  • Reduce the perception of risk associated with the purchase of a product
  • Motivate dealers to stock & sell more
  • Attract dealers to participate in manufacturer’s dealer display & sales contests.
  • Obtain more & better shelf space & displays.
  • Bring more customers to dealer stores
  • Make goods more faster through dealers
  • Improve manufacture-dealer relationship
  • Motivate sales force to trace the achievement higher than targets
  • Reward sales force for active market surveillance & for rendering superior customer service.
  • Put power into the sales. Presentation
  • Counter competitors sales promotion & marketing efforts
  • Provide punch to the company’s advertising efforts
  • Build goodwill


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