Explain The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

                         According to Abraham Maslow, basic human needs are arranged in a hierarchy according to their strength.

  • Physiological Needs:
  1. Placed at the bottom of the pyramid.
  2. Physiological needs, sometimes called primary needs, are basic needs (hunger, thirst, shelter, & so forth.0 which tend to be very strong in the minds of most people.
  3. As basic needs are met, a person seeks to satisfy higher needs.
  4. Satisfaction of higher needs postponed until basic physical needs are satisfied.


  • Safety and Security Needs
  1. Safety & security needs represent our desire to be free from danger.
  2. Desire to satisfy this need may motive people to purchase burger alarm systems, medical & life insurance, & so forth.
  • Social Needs:
  1. Social needs reflect the desire for friendship, companionship, & long term business relationships.
  2. Customers want to be treated as partners.


  • Esteem Needs
  1. Esteem needs reflect the desire to feel worthy, competent, or adequate in the ever of others.
  2. Customers want salespeople to involve them in the transaction.


  • Self-actualization Needs
  1. Self-actualization needs refers to the need for self-fulfillment, a full tapping of one’s potential.
  2. Higher-level needs on the hierarchy.

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