Explain The Meaning and Functions of Media Research


Media Research

Meaning of Media Research:

It is also called “Audience Research”. It provides information regarding the popularity & effectiveness of each advertising medium & the comparative position of the cost of advertising in each medium. This facilitates the selection of the most suitable media mix for the benefit of the advertiser.

Functions of media research:

Three major functions of media research & these are:

  • Vehicle distribution.
  • Vehicle exposure &
  • Advertising exposure.


  • Vehicle distribution:

If refers to the number of copies of newspaper or magazine circulation in a particular region or throughout the country. In case of T.V. it refers to the no. of programmes distributed on each channel.


  • Vehicle exposure:

It refers to the kind of people expose to newspaper or T.V.


  • Advertising exposure:

If refers to the no. of people exposed to the advertising message.


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