Explain The Meaning of Adopters Categories


Adopters Categories

Adopters Categories:

 People vary in their readiness to try out new product or innovation. Rogers has defined a person’s innovativeness as the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than other members of his social system.

                    Just as a product goes through different stages of life cycle, for each new product, we also can categories the adopters. Adopters of the new product can be categorized based on the relative time of their adoption of the innovations.

            The adoption process curve shape is almost similar to product life cycle. Given below is the time period of adoption of new product: (Product Adoption Model)

Adopter categories

(Time period of adoption of New Products)

                    In the above figure the diffusion process is given the shape of a normal distribution curve when considered over a period of time. The process starts with a slow beginning & then picks up momentum with more number of persons adopting the innovation. After a certain number reaching the peak there is remaining.


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