Explain The Media Related Terminology



Media Related Terminology:

  • Reach:

Reach is the percentage of the target population exposed at least once to the advertiser message during a specific time frame.

  • Frequency:

It refers to the number of times an advertising message is delivered to the target audience, within a given period. It indicates the number of times a target audience is exposed to the vehicles of advertising message.

  • Gross Rating Point(GPRs) :

The combination of reach & frequency is called gross rating points.

  • Coverage:

By selecting appropriate media for target markets & also selecting proper media vehicles through which the message can reach properly to the prospective buyers can be called as coverage of the market.

  • Brand Development Index(BDI):

BDI is percentage of a brand’s sales in a particular area in relation to the percentage of the country’s population in that area.

  • Category Development Index(CDI):

Category development index measures the sales strength of a particular category of product within a specific market

  • Cost per thousand(CPM):

How much will it cost to reach a thousand of your prospective customers (a method used in comparing print media)? To determine a publication’s cost per thousand, also known as CPM, divide the cost of the advertising by the publication’s circulation in thousands.

  • Cost per point(CPP):

How much will it cost to buy one rating point for your target audience, a method used in comparing broadcast media? One rating point equals 1% of your target audience divide the cost of the schedule being considered by the number of rating points it delivers.

  • Cost per rating point(CPRP):

The broad cast media provide a different comparative cost figure, referred to as cost per rating point (CPRP) or cost per point (CPP)

CPRP = cost of commercial time / programme Rating

  •  Television Rating Points(TPRs):

TRP is a rating of viewers tuned to a particular TV programme. TV ratings are calculated in terms of TV rating points. It is a technique to study the feedback on the viewers of different TV programmes.


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