Explain The Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in India


Women Entrepreneurs in India



Problem of Women entrepreneurs in India:

  1. No Independence: She is consider subbordinate to male in all walks of life. The basic ingredients such as independence and authority require for successful entrepreneur are inadequate for women in India.
  2. Lack of self-confidence: Women do not have self confidence in their own abilities which is partly due to cultural environment. This is because of family’s reluctance to provide them funds for their ventures. Banks are reluctant to fund their project due to no collateral securities on their name and a very few development agencies come forward to give them help.
  3. Low risk bearing capability: Generally women in india are confined to four walls of the house. They are less educated & thus economically backward.This reduce their risk bearing capability in running the enterprise.
  4. Male dominated society: Though the constitution of india speaks about equality but still today women are consider as weak, passive & home oriented & as a result less capable then men.
  5. Lack of family encourgement: In India, it is mainly a women’s duty to look upon their children & other member of the family. Thus, family bonding spares a little time for the women to take up entrepreneurial activity.
  6. Low mobility: Women in general are less mobile due to social- cultural barriers. The dual responsibility that women entrepreneur have to cope up with is mking a success of their enterprise & looking after the home & cooking restrict their mobility.

7.Lack of education: In india around 60% of women are still illiterate. Due to lack of education & that too qulitative education , women are unaware of business , technology & market knowledge.

  1. Problem of access to finance: Women entrepreneur are lacking access to institutional finance due to absence of tangible security & credit in the market . women do not have property in their names. Most of the women enterprises suffer from sickness due to lack of finance.



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