Explain types of societies & Advantages & Disadvantages of society in India?


a)        Professional Societies : These societies are promoted by the professionals to enhance their profession and bring out a common code of conduct. These societies are also termed as associations. They also include information societies, knowledge societies, academic societies and scientific societies, viz., Indian Management Association, Indian Society of Chartered Accountants, Association of Indian Universities, Indian Medical Association, etc.

(b)     Charitable Societies : These are non-profit organisations to help the needy persons of the societies. Sometimes, they are also known as Non-government Organisations, financially supported by corporates and other philanthropists.

(c)     Economic Cooperative Societies : Many societies like housing, agro-processing, credit, marketing etc., help their members in the particular trade, either through their own resources or from the Government. Examples are cooperative housing societies, cooperative banks, district marketing co-operative societies, each helping in marketing specific product like tea, coffee, jute, plantation, etc.

(d)     Religious and Cultural Societies : These societies are formed to revive and maintain specific cultures, traditions and religious foundations. Examples are ISKON, Swaminarayan Temple Trust, Church associations, etc.

Advantages of a Society

(a)     It promotes teamwork.

(b)     It teaches cooperation.

(c)     It teaches to share and care.

(d)     It brings in synergy.

(e)     It sets norms of behaviour for peaceful living.

(f)      In economic society, it reduces the cost of living. It provides physical and psychological protection.

(h)     It provides a balance between independence and inter-dependence.

Disadvantages of a Society

(a)     It sets norms and thus curbs individual freedom to grow.

(b)     Society uses coercive methods for compliance of social norms.

(c)     Coercion can be physical and mental, which is detrimental to the general health of an individual.

(d)     It, sometimes, curbs the creativity and innovation of the individual.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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