Explain World Bank led Multi-agency Project on Financing & Development of SME’s




World Bank led Multi-agency Project on Financing & Development of SME’s:-

     SIDBI is implementing a world bank led multi agency / multi activity project on financing & development of SME’s. While SIDBI has been assigned with the responsibility of implementing the project, the Banking Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of India is the nodal agency for the same. The IBRD, Department for International Development (DFID) UK, KFW Germany and GTZ Germany are the international partners in the project. The project is aimed at making SME lending an attractive and viable financing option as also facilitate increased turnover & employment in the sector. In order to achieve its aims, the project, besides upgrading direct flow of credit to SME’s, addresses demand side issues of credit and streamlining access to qualitative financial & non-financial enterprise oriented services. This is being done with support of technical assistance to be utilized for strengthening the credit information system, credit rating, credit scoring, structuring of innovative products, capacity building of the participating banks, policy & regulatory issues & promotion of market oriented business development services for the sector.




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