Export House Certificate


Export house certificate: In India, an export house is defined as a registered exporter holding a valid export house certificate issued by the director general of foreign trade. Recognition to a business house is given after taking into account certain factors such as (a) ability to export difficult items to newer destinations, (b) maintenance of a high standard of ethics and, (c) diversion of a part of net profits towards trade development.

For the issues of such certificate, the business house/firm must be registered with the federation of Indian export organizations (FIEO). Secondly, it should have sufficient experience, professional expertise and funds for handling export trade. Recognition of export houses in India is based on their capacity to export the products which are classified by the government of India in two broad types: (a) select product, and (b) non-select products. Select products are manufactured through technological processes. They include engineering goods, chemicals and electronic goods. The non-select products are actually traditional items of exports. They include tea, coffee, jute, iron ore, etc.

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