Extraordinary Historic Victory for Real Madrid!



Real Madrid had an historin 4-0 win at Bayern Munich in Tuesday’s semi-final. Having won last week’s first leg 1-0, Real Madrid won the semi-final 5-0 in aggregate as Pep Guardialo’s Bayern suffered home defeat in European competition.

World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo then made it 3-0 at the break before the Real superstar netted his 49th goal of the season with a free-kick just before the final whistle.

Ronaldo has set a new record for the most goals in a single European campaign after the bettering the previous mark of 14 set by Barcelona’s Lionel Messi and Jose Altafini.

It was a historic night for Real Madrid, especially for coach Carlo Ancelotti who never lost to Bayern in 8 matches. 

There was a minute’s silence before kick-off for former Barcelona coach Tito Vilanova, who died on Friday at the age of 45, and Vujadin Boskov, the former Real coach who passed away on Sunday aged 82. 

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