F.L.Y (First Love Yourself)



I have seen people falling head over heels in love with someone and giving so much to that damn relationship that they hardly care to think about themselves. When it all ends? Self-worth in tatters.  Declining self-esteem. Feeling wretched like never before. They simply lose themselves in that go. Makes me wonder why? Why would you do that ? Why  should you?

Makes me want to tell each one of those who have encountered this phase that it’s time to make major alterations in your thinking. Loving people is a part of life but you should remember that if you can’t love yourself how you do expect others to love you? To realize your worth?! There is a line between being ‘self-obsessed’  and  knowing your worth and loving yourself enough to let go of things which make you feel worthless. If they don’t need you, you don’t need them too.  There is a time wherein you will be flying solo.

All your support systems might alienate you.A phase where you might have no-one with you but yourself. You need to let yourself enough to handle each phase by yourself. Being dependent love_yourselfon people and expecting from them might get you nothing. Trust people moderately but not to an extent that when they let you down you get a feeling of utter wretchedness.  The reason I say this is that during a point when you are alienated by  everyone,  you are strong enough to battle through life and not give up. So that no matter how nasty life is to you, you are one of those survivors.

You are going to make mistakes in life. Big ones . You will misjudge. Miscalculate. You might be forced to deal with an identity crisis. You’ll hide behind a non- chalance.  It might also occur to you that who am I? How do my peers view me? At that point you should instead think how do I view myself rather then worrying about people around. Change your thinking and you’ll see that even when circumstances spiral out of control you won’t give up. When the world gives up on you, you won’t give up on yourself.


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Riya Lokhande


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