Fabulous Fresh Fruit Recipes You Should Definitely Try To Make (Part 2)




This is an extension to the first part of amazing recipes with fruits.

Blackberry sorbert.


INGREDIENTS: For the ice-cream:

300ml thin cream.

250 milk

1 vanilla bean, split.

6 egg yolks

150g caster sugar.

250g blackberries.

– combine the cream, milk and vanilla bean in a medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly.

Whisk egg yolks and sugar together in a heatproof bowl until thick and pale. Use tongs to remove bean from cream mixture. Use a sharp knife to scrape seeds into the cream mixture. Gradually stir cream mixture into egg mixture. Pour into a clean saucepan and place over low heat. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 15 minutes or until the custard coats the back of the spoon. Transfer to a medium heatproof bowl. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool. Place blackberries in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Use the back of a spoon to press the puree through a fine sieve into a small bowl. Discard seeds. Add blackberry puree to the custard and stir to combine. Place in a shallow metal container. Cover with foil and place in the freezer for 6 hours or until almost set.

Roughly break up ice-cream with a metal spoon and transfer to a bowl. Beat with an electric beater until smooth. Quickly return to container. Cover with foil and freeze for 4 hours or until firm.

Pears Strudel


10 sheets phyllo pastry

2-3 pears, cored, seeded and sliced.

100 grams walnuts.

100 grams brown sugar.

60 grams caster sugar.

Juice of ½ lemon.

1 tsp cinnamon.

2 tbsps. bread crumbs.

1 egg + 1 tsp water for brushing the pastry a handful of cranberries thinly sliced almonds for decoration.

– peel and slice the pears thinly, and put them in a bowl the lemon juice to stop them from going brown. Melt the butter in a small saucepan over a low heat and keep it warm.

Carefully place the phyllo pastry on a baking plate lined with baking paper. Mix the walnuts, cinnamon and dark brown sugar together. Brush the first sheet of filo pasty with melted butter. Sprinkle over the walnut mixture. Lay another sheet of filo pastry on top, brush with butter and sprinkle again with walnut mixture. Repeat the steps till you top off with the fifth layer. Toss the pears well with the caster sugar and drained cranberries. Spread them out along one edge of the top sheet of phyllo pastry. Brush the opposite edge with a little water. Starting at the edge with the pears mixture on, gently lift the edges of the pastry and roll the pastry up lengthways like a Swiss roll the pears will end up at the center. Once it’s all rolled up, press your stride together gently, using water to seal. Once rolled, beat the egg with the water and brush on the top. Sprinkle with the sliced almonds.

Place in oven for 20 minutes till nicely browned. Serve hot with a cold scoop of good quality vanilla ice cream.

Mango salad with ginger.


FOR THE DRESSING: ½ tbsp. shredded fresh ginger.

1 tbsp. white wine vinegar.

Pinch of coriander powder

Pinch of red chili powder.

½ tbsp. honey.

Dash of lime juice.

1 tsp olive oil.

Salt and pepper to taste.

FOR THE SALAD: 110 grams quinoa

2 green chilies, cut fine.

½ cup fresh mint, chopped.

1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped.

3-4 spring onions, chopped with green parts.

1 tbsp. fennel seeds

1 mango, peeled in large slices.

½ pomegranate.

2 tbsp. olive oil.

– Cook the quinoa as per directions with the chopped chilies. Set aside to cool.

Peel the mango and cut into large slices. Heat a grill pan and drizzle with half the olive oil. Place mango slices and pour the rest of the olive oil and sprinkle the fennel seeds on top. Grill each side around 3-4 minutes or till you get nice brown stripes. Set aside and let cool.

Combine all the other ingredients (except mango and pomegranate) in a large bowl and toss to mix together. Dress with grilled mango and pomegranate seeds. Just before serving, pour the ginger dressing on top. You don’t need to mix the dressing in. let stand for around 15 minutes for the dressing to get incorporated.


Try out this recipes before hoarding it in parties or for guests. All this will need little practice to gain the perfection. But trust me, the results will be fruitful as your recipes. You can have this for any occasions as deserts. They will punch your parties and your taste buds. Also you can be creative – make a fruit recipe of your own with the help of all this recipes and enjoy the Fruitiness.





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