Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype And Its Influences


A social media logotype

When you just wake up and open your eyes, the first thing you do is check your phone. You don’t go and get a newspaper but you check your Twitter timeline. You wish your friends on Facebook. Skype those loved ones whom you can’t do without. Story of our lives. Isn’t it?

It’s true that the social media helps us to stay connected and has become an integral part and parcel of our lives. But aren’t we aware of the fact that social media has the power to influence and control our thoughts and actions? We are so absorbed in Facebook and Whatsapp. So immersed in Social Media that anything else hardly matters. The other day I went around to interview the youth for my article for the print and got astonishing results. I had to ask them about Politics and I learn that some of the youth, weren’t even aware of which parties were contesting the elections. Some didn’t know the meaning of NOTA. One of them decided to Google it. It broke my heart to see that it’s youth, the voice of tomorrow, were devoid of any interest when it came to knowing about Politics. About our nation. They didn’t seem to care about who would come to power. All most of them do is merely cringe and complain rather than getting themselves acquainted and having a say.

It goes without saying that Social Media is a tool of enlightenment, so outstanding and is our saviour many times. But how is it that people don’t seem to have any know-how about key issues and decide to use the Google or some other sight to get basic information? Be it even about their Nation and issues confronting it. Such is the power of Social Media! But I want to know why should you let something take over you? Let something exploit your mind day and night that you end up being a vegetable, devoid of basic knowledge and dull? Why should you let something cripple you?

 -Misbaah Mansuri

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