Factors favorable for CRM in India


In order to meet the growing international demand for cost-effective, customer-interaction centers, many organizations worldwide are outsourcing these services from locations like India. India has intrinsic strengths which have made it a major success as an outsourcing destination for CRM.

  • A booming IT industry, with IT strengths recognized all over the world (65% of the CMM level5 companies are in India).
  • The largest English-speaking population after the USA.
  • A vast workforce of educated, English-speaking, tech-savvy personnel: A boon in a high-growth industry faced with a shortage of skilled workers.
  • Cost-effective manpower: In a call interaction center operation, manpower typically accounts for 55 to 60 percent of the total cost. In India, the manpower cost is approximately one-tenth of what it is overseas. Per agent cost in USA is approximately $40,000 while in India it is only $5,000.
  • Technical support:India graduates about 100,000 engineers each year. These can be used in call centers for troubleshooting/tech support as the salaries are dramatically lower than in Europe or the US.
  • The Government of India has recognized the potential of IT-enabled services and has taken positive steps by providing numerous incentives like Software Technology Park (STP),under this scheme Ministry of information and Technology gave 10 year of tax holiday on software product and subsequent technology required for CRM.
  • The presence of most international technology vendors and solutions would enable creation of most advanced set-ups in this technology- intensive segment.

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