Facts About Virgo’s Love Life


Why Virgos Are Often Single Or never get committed so fast ?!

Virgo isn’t just a detail-oriented sign.
It’s an idealistic sign and So, they don’t just want anyone random as their partner. They want the PERFECT partner.

Virgos are too picky, very much picky, picky…
They have that long checklist which they rely upon when they finding a mate/partner and that’s keeping them lost and ALONE in the woods of love.

For this reason they often marry late .

Being ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect, and being a mutable sign, they have quick minds themselves and endless interests, so want a partner who can keep up to it – and even challenge them with brilliant conversation, and playful repartee.

Because it’s the natural sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgos love talking on topics relating like health, fitness, service, counselling, teaching, and animals – and are most comfortable being behind the scenes.
They are very shy and sensitive sign and are very much prone to WORRY and anxiety. And it’s a feminine sign,

So if you’re attracted to a Virgo, you may need to send them VERY obvious signals, or ask them out first and never expect them to ask you out first !
But it’s worth it, because when Virgos are your partner , they will be kind, giving, sweet partner who is ethical, wise, fair, and gives you endless supportive, always trying to be the best they can be, and help the one they love be so as well.



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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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