Facts of Credit Grading System


Credit, Grade and Semester System to be introduced from the Academic Year 2011-12


– Decision of University Grants Commission (UGC) for introducing the semester and choice based credit system in all the central, state and deemed universities and institutions of higher learning in the country under the Eleventh FiveYear Plan. (D.O. No. F.12/2008XI Plan dated dated January January 3131,, 2008 2008 from from the the Chairman, Chairman, UGC) UGC).

– The decision of implementation of Credit & Grade point system has been passed by the Academic Council at itsmeeting held on 10th June, 2010 & subsequently the Management Council gave the concurrence at its meetingheld on 18th July, 2010 after suggesting minor changes with the help of Deans of the concerned faculties andresolved to implement it from the Academic Year 2011-12.



-Involves breaking down the curriculum into measurable units that can be combined to get a
degree / diploma.
- A ‘credit’ is generally a ‘value’ used to measure a students students work work load load inin terms terms ofof learning learning time time required to complete course units, resulting in learning outcomes.
- Credit is used in higher education to summarized and describe an amount of learning.

-The number of credits awarded to a learner is determined by Credit Value or Credit Points assigned to a particular course.

- It is a way of expressing the ‘learner’s workload’. (Student’s)

- It affords more flexibility to the learners allowing them to chose interdisciplinary courses.
- One (01) Credit is thirty (30) learning hours. Credits once gained cannot be lost.



Programme: A programme is a set of courses that are linked
together in an academically meaningful way and generally ends
with the award of a Certificate or Diploma or Degree depending on
the level of knowledge attained and the total duration of study. e.g.
Certificate in office Computing, Diploma in Journalism, B. Com,
M. Sc. M. S.W. etc. are the ‘Programmes’.
Course:: AA course course isis essentially essentially aa constituent constituent ofof aa ‘‘programme programme’’ and and may be conceived of as a composite of several learning topics taken
from a certain knowledge domain, at a certain level. A ‘course’ in
simple terms corresponds to the word ‘subject’ used in many
- Module or Unit: A module or Unit is an part of the course which
may be studied in conjunction with other learning modules or
studied independently.

Credit Points: This has reference to the ‘Workload’ of a learner and is an index of the number of learning hours deemed for a certain segment of learning. The course may be assigned anywhere between 4 to 8 credit points wherein 1 credit is equal to 30 learning hours.

- Credit completion or Credit acquisition : It may be considered
to take place after the learner has successfully cleared all the
evaluation evaluation criteria criteria with with respect respect toto aa single single course course..
- Credit Bank: The process of accumulating Credits over a period
of time, leads to the idea of a ‘Credit Bank’. Conceptually, a Credit
Bank in simple terms refers to stored and dynamically updated
information regarding the number of Credits obtained by any given
student along with the details regarding the course/s for which
Credit has been given, the courselevel, nature, etc.

-Credit Transfer: Credit Transfer means that credits earned at one
institution for one or more courses under a given programme are
accepted under another programme either by the same institution
or another institution.
- Performance transfer:When a student who has successfully
completed a certain academic programme, is allowed to transfer
his past performance to another academic programme having
some common courses, performance transfer is said to have taken
his past performance to another academic programme having
some common courses, performance transfer is said to have taken
- Course Exemption:The student who has already completed one
of these academic programmes is then allowed to skip these
‘equivalent’ courses when registering for the new programme. He
is then ‘exempted’ from ‘relearning’ the common or equivalent
content area and from reappearing for the concerned

Block Transfer: This refers to a group of courses, such as a
completed certificate or diploma programme that are accepted for
transfer of credit into a degree programme.
- Shelf Life: This has a reference to the time duration for which the
content of a given course is relevant and is directly linked with the
obsolescence of knowledge in a certain field. Some institutions
have have time time limits limits for for granting granting credit credit transfer transfer..
- Transfer Agreement: This is an agreement that must be made
between two institutions (a sender and a receiver) that specifies
how the sending institution’s course or programme will be accepted
(for transfer of credits) at the receiving institution.
* These terminologies will be incorporated in the existing ordinances
in due course by placing it before the appropriate authority.


Lateral or Horizontal: Credit transfer from one programme to another
programme of samelevel. e.g. B. A. (Mass Media) from one University
to B.M.M. of Mumbai University.
- Vertical : It is also referred as ‘Career Laddering’. Credit Transfer from
one programme to another programme of higher level. It provides a
upward mobility to the learner. e.g. Diploma in Engineering gets direct
admission to the Second Year Engineering of UG programme.
 Intra Institutional Credit Transfer: When the process of Credit
Transfer takes place within a University or Institution called as Intra
Institutional Credit Transfer.
- Inter Institutional Credit Transfer: When the process of Credit
Transfer takes place across two or more University or Institution called
as InterInstitutional Credit Transfer.
 Both type of Credit Transfer may operate across the levels i.e. Lateral
& Vertical


Generally there are four different types of courses in all the
programmes conducted at University of Mumbai.
 Compulsory Courses = 4 credits per course
 Core / Special Courses = 3 credits per course
 Applied Components = 3 credits per course
 Foundation Courses = 2 credits per course
 Skill Courses = 2 credits per course
 The total credit value shall be 120 credits for all UG
programmes across the faculties.
 The total credit value shall be 80 credits for PG programmes
under the faculty of Arts & Commerce and 96 credits in case
of faculty of Science.


The time duration per credit is divided into two parts,
I) Approximately fifty percent of the time will be spent
on class room instructions including practical as
prescribed by the University.
II) Rest of the time spent for assignments, Projects,
journal writing, case studies, library work, industrial
visits, attending seminars / workshops, preparations
for examinations etc. will be considered as notional


 The word Grade is derived from the Latin word ‘grad us’
 ‘Grad us’ means ‘Step’
 It is an method of declaring the result of the learner’s
performance by means of evaluation.
 It involves the set of alphabets which clearly define,
designated and understood by all the stakeholders.
 Properly introduce grading system is not only provide for
the “comparison” of the learners but it assessed the
“quality” of the learner’s performance.


 Abbreviations and Formulas Used
 G: Grade
 GP: Grade Points
 C: Credits
 CP: Credit Points
 CG: Credits X Grades (Product of Credits & Grades)
∑CG: Sum of Product of Credits & Grades points CG: Sum of Product of Credits & Grades points
∑C: Sum of Credits points

 GPA = ∑CG/∑C
 SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average shall be calculated for
individual semesters. (It is also designated as GPA)
 CGPA; Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated for the
entire course by taking all semesters taken together.


The result gazette and the format of the Grade Cards for the
semesters conducted by colleges on behalf of the University will be
uniform for all the Colleges / Institutions.
 The Grade Cards will be printed along with the marks shown for all
the concerned courses in the programme.
 The Grade Cards will be issued to the learners who will qualify all
the the courses courses with with Credit Credit Earned Earned and and the the remark remark asas ‘PASSES’ ‘PASSES’..
 The SGPA will be calculated only for the learners who will qualify
in all the courses and accordingly the Grade will be awarded to
 In case a learner/s is not qualified in a particular course/s of a
programme, he/she shall be allowed to accumulate the credits of
qualified courses only of the said programme and the Grade Card
will be issued with ‘Credit Accumulate’ and the remark as ‘FAIL’.


The Semester, Credit and Grading System will be
implemented for all the Under Graduate (UG)
prorammes under the faculty of Arts, Commerce and
Science from the academic year 201112.
 The system will be implemented for semesterI for the
newly newly admitted admitted learners learners (students) (students) and and itit will will bebe
subsequently implemented.
 The Semester, Credit and Grading System will be
implemented for the Post Graduate (PG) programmes
under the faculty of Arts, Commerce and Science after
the decision of the Academic Council.
 The format of Grade Card will be circulated to all the
colleges after the approval from BOE.

This is how Your Result would look like – 

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