Facts On Jammu and Kashmir That You Must Know


Jammu and Kashmir lies in the northern side of India and is considered to be a topic of conflict between India, Pakistan and China.It is also home to a population of 13 lakh people. Here are few facts about which you must know:

      67% of the population practises Islam other than that Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism are the religions followed.



  • The the Chief Minister is Omar Abdullah
    and the Governor is Narinder Nath Vohra
  • The summer capital is Srinagar and winter capital is Jammu.
  • Kashmiri, Urdu, Dogri, Pahari, Balti, Ladakhi, Gojri, Shina and Pashto are the languages spoken but Urdu is considered to be the official state language.jammu-kashmir4
  • This state contains many valleys like Kashmir Valley, Tawi Valley, Chenab Valley, Poonch Valley, Sind Valley and Lidder Valley.
  • Northwestern thorn scrub forest, western Himalayan broadleaf forests, western Himalayan subalpine conifer forests, northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows and Himalayan subtropical pine forest are the kind of forest found here.
  • But around high elevations there is no vegetation it is simply rock and ice
  • Leh is considered to be the coldest place in the country.
  • Kashmir contains 16%,Leh contains 26% and Ladakh contains 58% of the state.
  • The Indus, Tawi, Ravi and Chenab are the main rivers flowing through the state out of which Jhelum is the major and important one.j&k8j&k9 Jammu and Kashmir has several Himalayan glaciers with an average altitude of 5,753 metres (18,875 ft) above sea-level, the Siachen Glacier is 76 km (47 mi) long making it the longest Himalayan glacier.j&k7
  • It is the only state that enjoys special autonomy in the country under article 370.
  • Economy of Jammmu & Kashmir is widely dependent on its agriculture, tourism and other allied activities which includes Sericulture and is practiced in the river valley of Kashmir.
    j&k2j&k3Also the woods of Kashmir are used to make high quality bats and also saffron is very famous and is exported on a large scale.Also horticulture is practiced here.
  • Sapphire of good quality is available in the Dodha district.j&k6
  • Apples, apricots, cherries, pears, plums, almonds and walnuts are the fuits found here and are exported on a large scale.
  • In september 2014 the Kashmir region experienced a disastrous flood that caused great distruction and a death of around 500 people was recorded.j&k1

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.

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