Facts You Never Knew About Autism



Autism neuro developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal & non-verbal communication & by restricted & repetitive behavior. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells & their synapses connect & organize, how this occurs is not well understood.

Autism has a strong genetic basis although the genetics of autism are complex & it is unclear whether ASD is explained more by rare mutations, or by rare combinations of common genetic variants. In some cases it is also associated with birth defects. The prevalence of autism is about1-2 person per 1,000 people & it is four times more often in boys than girls.


The parents usually notice the signs of autism in the first two years of their child’s life. But some children grow normally & then they regress. The signs of autism are speech impairedness, difficulty in understanding instructions, mental retardation etc.


It’s called “the spectrum” for a reason- Autism spectrum Disorder is a term that covers a range of developmental disabilities, so knowing one child’s case isn’t knowing them all. Skip the judgment- it’s easy to make the judgment when you see a child acting out, because one really has no idea why or what it means.

So don’t make a judgment when a child throws some food or anything in a place nearby you, because one really don’t know from what condition that child is going through. Good education is for all- An autism affected child also deserves a good education like every other child in the society.

Be Sensitive in what you say- Just think before twice is the very wise saying in this case because the autism affected child & their parents also has feelings & to hurt anyone’s feelings & sentiments is not the right of anyone. They are Trying & Autism is not contagious- Autism is not contagious so don’t treat them as they are infected with a contagious disease & do talk to them they are also human beings like all of us.



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Ayesha Patel


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