8 Awesome Facts About Batman



THE MOST BELOVED SUPERHERO “BATMAN” has some awesome facts for all the batman fans :


1: In comic books, Superman gave Batman a kryptonite ring in case he went rogue and needed to be stopped!


2: The penguins from Batman Returns had their own luxury swimming pool! Additionally, they had half a ton of ice and fresh fish delivered daily. Needless to say, no penguins were harmed in the making of this movie! In fact, the animals’ comfort was prioritized above the humans; the plane on which they all flew over was refrigerated down to 45 degrees F, and the entire set to 35 degrees F.


3: Adam West has a Batman logo on his teeth! Adam West starred in the Batman TV show that revitalized Batman in the 1960s. According to his biography, he was a Batman fan since very young. He liked the dual action hero / detective aspect of Batman.


4: Harley Quinn was originally created for a one-time appearance on Batman: The Animated Series, and was so popular that she was added to the canon! Harley Quinn was first introduced in 1992 to the Batman: The Animated Series, and she was the animated equivalent of a walk-on role. She wears traditional harlequin jester clothing, hence her name Harley Quinn.


5: A Batman villain is an Alice in Wonderland obsessed pedophile! People who only follow the Batman movies might be familiar with the chilling antics of the Joker, the Riddler, Catwoman, and the Penguin. But their heinous acts might just be overshadowed by those of The Mad Hatter.


6: The Dark Knight is the first Batman film not to incorporate the word “Batman” into its title.


7: Luke Skywalker is the voice of the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. We know this sounds crazy, but it’s true! The actor who played the galaxy’s final Jedi warrior also has a bit of a DARK SIDE, lending his vocal talents to the animated version of Batman’s archnemesis!




8: The towns of Silent Hill and Arkham Asylum are based on real places!

 silent_hill_does_exist_04 Arkham-real-house-2-arkham-asylum-5889915-480-356




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