Failure Is Not The END : Top 10 Absolutely Helpful Tips To Deal With Exam Results Failure



We know you guys are eagerly waiting for your exam results and are damn stressed to manage your parents/friends/relatives results expectations. Do you want strategies to deal with pressure and disappointment? Are you expecting a ATKT in your results and really worried of the outcome? Donno how to cope up with the expectations?

If you feel that due to your poor grades, you will never be able to get the job you wanted after graduation, YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG. Never let exam failure force you into believing that you cannot achieve your dreams. Things are hard to reach but not impossible to reach. Failing in exam also does not make you any less of person or any less intelligent. You should be able to achieve what you want and that’s important than score/marks/grade.

Thomas Edison said before inventing the bulb, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” and after inventing, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.

Taking inspiration from this famous person, we bring you the top 10 tips to look ahead for a successful tomorrow:


1) Talk to your best friends or counselor who may not judge you or criticize you.


2) Take a short break – nap, go for a walk or catch up with some inspiring movies or talks.



3) Write down your feelings on a paper (be true to yourself)


4) Do not get involved in drugs and alcohol. If your friends are taking it then please its high time you know who your friends are.


5) Stop comparing your results with your friends/class toppers. Every person has different strength, weakness, IQ and comes from a different background. Remember YOU ARE UNIQUE!


6) Stop blaming your professors or your friends. More importantly STOP BLAMING YOURSELF TOO. None of this is going to help. Instead take help from your professors, friends and explain them your weaknesses. Ask them to be with you to improve your grades.  DON’T BE ALONE.


7) Talk with your closed relatives, parents and friends. The more you talk, the more you will able to forget your bad grades and move on.


8) Brainstorm the reasons why you failed in that subject – does the subject requires more practice? do you need extra coaching? did you take proper notes? did you attend all lectures? did you give enough time for that subject etc.


9) Stop imaging the worst consequences and magnify failure or demean yourself.


10) Assess priorities, difficulties and follow a normal routine atmosphere at home.



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