Falling For Pretty Pastels And Getting the Look Right!



Soft, feminine and pretty! These delicious ice cream shades sweeten everything from our trouser suits to evening gowns. Strawberry, peach, mango or blueberry, just two scoops please!

Wearing the pretty pale pastels head-to-toe is unmistakably feminine, but it’s also refreshingly au courant. They are plastered away, all over the fashion world.

Here are ways to wear pastel:-


1) You have to remember not to wear clashing tones or you’ll risk being washed out or oddly mix-matched.

2) Mostly, be wary of mixing mint and yellow. They have a hard time matching well in pastels.

3) To embrace a more feminine look, try this look in a fun texture  like eyelit,  lace, waffle knit or in a classic printed floral or stripes.

4) For a flawless look, pair  any shade of pastel with creamy white or neutral tan. It can be worn minimalistic or even accessorized.

5) If you are trying them for the first time, your safest bet is to pair the pastel top with  a white skirt or jeans.

6) You can also accessorize the pastels by adding edgy leather baubles.

7) For a daring look, you can pair pastels with pastels.

8) A pretty, pastel colour pants are your perfect choice for the season of scorching heat.


9) Pastel on the feet simply pull it off!  So go get yourself some pastel pumps or exotic pastel heels or peeptoes.

10) By contrasting pastels with white you are using a neutral base to let the color really shine through. So that is something you can try.

So embrace this candy-floss coloured and deliciously structured trend.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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