Falooda Recipes For the Sweet Addicts



Falooda is a popular dessert not just in Mumbai where it is thought to have originated but also in the rest of the country. This chilled drink-dessert is the perfect way to cool off in the summer heat.

This recipe serves 2.

Ingredients :

1/2 cup fine rice vermicelli

1 glass chilled milk – use the glass (preferably a tall one) you will use to serve the Falooda, to measure the milk

1/2 cup pistachios, shells and skins removed

1/2 cup almonds, blanched/ skins removed

2 tsps sugar, ground to a fine powder

3 tbsps Basil seeds – Sabza

6 tbsps rose syrup

2 scoops ice cream of your choice/ Kulfi

 falooda 1

Directions :

Cook the vermicelli like you would pasta – in boiling water and till cooked yet al dente! Strain and keep aside to cool. Then chill in refrigerator till needed.

Keep aside a few almonds and pistachios – about 6-8 each – and cut into thin slivers. Keep aside to use as a garnish later.

Put the milk, powdered sugar, pistachios, almonds in a blender and blend till smooth. Chill in the refrigerator.

Put the the basil/ Sabza seeds in a bowl and pour enough water over them to completely submerge. They will soon start to swell and look transparent with a small dot-like, black center! Strain and keep aside in a small bowl.

To assemble the ShahiFalooda: Frost 2 tall glasses. In each glass, put half the vermicelli, half the pre-soaked Sabza seeds. Now pour in half the milk over them. Put just under half the rose syrup (keep a little for garnishing with) in each glass and mix well.

Add a scoop of ice cream/ Kulfi to this and drizzle with some more rose syrup. Garnish with slivered almonds and pistachios. Add a straw and long-handled spoon and serve!

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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