Famous Boxer Vijendra Singh Was Once A Train Ticket Seller! Can You Believe It?


Article 11

So here we bring to you an inspiring story of the well know and famous boxing champion turned film hero Vijendra Singh who at point of time used to sell train tickets to fund his boxing training. So here with one more story it has been proven that not all the journeys of the famous personalities are filled with fun and frolic some are extremely tough and sometimes dull and boring as well.

Olympic Bronze medallist Vijendra Singh’s was also among those journeys’ which was a mixture of extreme difficulties and hard times. But interesting part is the result what he achieved after going through such difficult times has now become a true inspiration for others.

The boxer had got a job in the Indian Railway and was posted in Jaipur for three long years. Just imagine the struggle and hard work he must have gone through during those days of his life. Those were the days when he not only used to train himself for biggest battles in the ring but also work at the main railway station selling tickets on the counter.

On the promotion of his Hindi debut film ‘Fugly’ he fondly remembers those days of his life saying those days of Jaipur were something that gave him confidence about his looks. He used to get lot of attention from the ladies passengers and on the basis of this attention which he received he dreamt of becoming an actor.

So after becoming a national hero when a golden opportunity of working the films came in his ways he literally jumped and did not think even twice before saying yes!

Thus we congratulate Vijendra Singh on his success and wish him all the best for his upcoming movie!

– Burhan Fatehi


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