Famous Sportsmen Turned Entrepreneurs


Being sportsmen is like living a dream especially if you are a star. It is about huge paycheck, huge amount of fans, media coverage, living in a limelight and all those good stuff, but this dream doesn’t last much long as in most of the sports the prime age is from 20-35 and after that players are long forgotten and new stars come up, may be in sports people retire by 35 because it may seem too old and physically it is tough to play at an higher level but in reality it is still a young age and a normal person has many years of life ahead of him left. So what to do with all those years left. Many become commentators or t v pundits, some become coaches, trainers while some just enjoy retirement life while there are a few folks who start up a business and become Entrepreneurs!.. Here are some of the sportsmen who have made it big in business…

Tony Hawk:

Tony Hawk

Tony Hawk the greatest and the best skateboarder in the world. He is a household name for skateboarding and sports fans. Tony Hawk owns one of the largest skateboarding company, also created his video game which became a best seller.

Venus Williams:

venus williams

Venus Williams is a well known name in the tennis world, along with her sister Serena Williams, both these have defined Women Tennis. Venus Williams now owns an interior designing firm named ‘V Starr Interiors’.

Maria Sharapova

sharapova (1)

Another Tennis star Maria Sharapova is still playing at the highest level but she also has a quiet unique venture. Sugarpova candies are sold and a proportion of all profit is for Sharapova Foundation.

Michael Jordan

michael jordan

Probably the best basketball player ever!  Imagine what he is doing now after all these years of hard work, superstardom and achieving the highest success in basketball. He now owns Charlotte Bobcats, a basketball team, and many commercial endorsements.

Goerge Foreman

george foreman

Foreman the famous boxer started Goerge Foreman Grlls and has become successful in this low-fat grill business that he has earned more money than he ever did as a professional boxer.

 – Jainam Jhaveri

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