FANTASIES 2010 is the inter-collegiate festival organized by the students of SIES College of Commerce and Economics.The theme for this year will be FICTIONATION, where the who’s who of the fictional world will be present, right from Sherlock Holmes to Superman to Edward Cullen!! and obviously are very own super star TAMBI!
So don’t miss out on your chance to meet the stars!
From the realms of your imagination springs a world, a planet. A planet which is resided by a whole new race – a race of fictional beings. Such is their magnetism that you constantly tread that way. You flee to this world because that is how you want to be – that is what electrifies you – that is what makes you glad. “Fiction is life with the dull bits left out”
This is possibly your best hidey-hole when things don’t go your way. The deprivation you face in your factual life – you fulfill it in your world of fiction.
The truth however remains that it is a “FICTIONAL” world and we are a part of the real world. The two worlds can never be merged…..we beg to differ!
As the sun and sea meet at the horizon, the worlds of fiction and reality find its horizon at FANTASIES 2010. So this year SIES College of Commerce and Economics and its fictional beings invite you to be a part of their world – their nation – FICTIONATION. It waits to be seen what happens when ‘fact meets fiction’
The showground is all equipped for the show down between “vampires & were wolves”, “tom & jerry”, “spider man & goblin”.
The world of fiction thereby provokes you to the two day cavalcade – an invitation to come and grace your conception. Fantasies 2010 has replicated your conception … Come and arbitrate for yourselves.
Hi Friends ..
How Ar You??