Fantastic F.Y.BMS: A First Year Student’s Helpful BFF!



First Year, is that amazing year of transition from your plus 2 levels to degree college. It’s a totally new world where you come across so many new facts and facets of life, enjoying all of which is a super must!

We at would love to be your guiding seniors and helpful buddies in case of any queries or doubts and help you go through this year smoothly! When we say queries or doubts we mean all those tiny, silly questions that pop into your head and you really don’t know where to go with them.

From your college wardrobe, fashion tips, best hangout spots and crazy restaurant lists, tips to participate in contests, create assignments, projects, give out your PPT’s, dressing up in formals, your very first VIVA or the end Semester examination; we will help you out with anything and everything yo need help with!

Choosing BMS was a wise decision as the course and it’s curriculum has been planned in a amazing way which will surely help you learn a lot, provided you make the most of it!

Just because you are in college you can’t forget that college means more studies then the past and just because you have to study doesn’t mean you don’t focus on living your college life!

It’s just balancing, knowing what to do when and handling yourself the right way and do believe me if you can manage that much, BINGO these are going to be the best 3 years of your life.

Keep checking this page as we will be updating newer and newer BMS related stuff for you!

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Don’t Get Overawed, They Are Just Seniors!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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