FAQ After the BMS Final Exams


1) Within how many days TYBMS results are declared in Mumbai University?

Answer. Result are declared within 40-45 days after the exam of respective semester of TYBMS gets over.

2) When do students get their original certificate back of ‘HSC’ which

they submit in BMS college during the time of admission to FY?

Answer. Students can collect their original documents of HSC which they

submit during the time admission after the results of the same academic year.

3) In BMS college, those students who had not submitted their HSC passing

certificate and failed in second year can fill their TYBMS exam forms?

Answer. In BMS colleges, those students who had not submitted their HSC passing

certificate and failed in second year cannot fill their TYBMS exam forms.

4) Does Mumbai University send the TYBMS result through post to the students?

Answer.MU does not send their results to the students through post. MU would send it to the colleges and you would get from the college.

5) In BMS colleges, in which month students need to  submit their TYBMS exam forms

for appearing the exam of March/ April/May?

 Answer.  After the results of October for Final Semester exams.

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