FAQs before the BMS Admission

  • When do I come for seeking admission for FYBMS in BMS colleges?

Answer. Admissions for FYBMS in all BMS colleges start in about second week of June.

  • When will my examination be conducted?

Answer.  Examinations  are  held  in  the  month  of October/November and

March/ April i.e. semester wise examinations  are conducted.

  • Are there any projects or practical works conducted for BMS course?

Answer. There are assignments for BMS course and project works in TYBMS.

  • I passed HSC from Science stream; can I get admission to

Commerce stream?

Answer.  YES, if you have opted for Mathematics and

Geography at HSC (Science), you can get admission for FYBMS.

  • I have passed F.Y. B.Com from some college; can I get admission for


Answer. Once you take admission to one stream, you cannot change it. If you still want to do so, you need to start from FYBMS, if you are eligible.

  • I have passed HSC from Arts stream; can I get admission to

commerce stream?

Answer.  YES, if you have opted for Mathematics, Economics

and Geography in HSC (Arts stream), you can get admission for


  • I am a FYBBA passed out student, can I get admission in second year of BMS?

  Answer. YES, you can get admission to second year of BMS.

  • I have ATKT’s in both FY and SYBMS can I, now, get admission to TY B. Com?

    Answer. Yes

  • I have ATKT’s in T.Y. BMS; can I seek admission to M. Com or MBA?

    Answer. No, you cannot.

  • I have passed my TY examination, but I have an ATKT at FY

and SY examinations; do I get my TY result?

 Answer. No.

  • When is an Entrance Examination for admission to BMS conducted?

Answer. No Entrance exams are conducted for BMS course. Only you have to give entrance exam to get admission in St. Xavier’s College.

  • Where do I get my roll Number?

Answer. Your roll number will be uploaded on our website in the month of December.

  • When and where do I procure the Admission Form from?

Answer.  In all BMS colleges, you can collect admission forms in the month of June for FY, SY and TYBMS.

  • I have a gap in my studies, now I want to take admission to

complete my studies; do I get admission? And how?

Answer.  You’re not required Gap Certificate. However, if you

are a student belonging to any reserved category, you need to

produce it.

  • Can I complete a two-year or three-year course in one

academic year?

  Answer. No.

  • In all BMS colleges, they have 60-40 pattern of examinations, is it true?

  Answer. Yes

  • I have passed in October/ November examination; can I take

admission for the examinations to be held in the month of

March/ April of the same academic year?

  Answer. No.

  • When are the examination forms being filled and submitted?

Answer. Examination Forms for the October/ November

examination are filled and submitted in the month of July, and

those of March/ April examination in the month of December.

  • When and where do I get my hall-ticket?

Answer.  You can collect you hall-ticket at your college before four

days of the commencement of your examination.

  • When and where do I get examination time-table?

Answer. The examination time-table is uploaded on our mu.ac.in website

before 10 days of the commencement of your examination.


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  1. “I am a FYBBA passed out student, can I get admission in second year of BMS?
    Answer. YES, you can get admission to second year of BMS.
    I have ATKT’s in both FY and SYBMS can I, now, get admission to TY B. Com?
    Answer. Yes”


  2. Dear,

    . I completed my 12 science in 2008.
    then I did aircraft maintenance engineering for 3 years (non degree course).
    then worked one year. I left the field.
    now I want to pursue bms from a grade college.
    my 12th % was 68.

    I m looking for college in morning slot in Mumbai.
    tell me what I should do
    suggest me about
    1. Gap certificate.
    2. Documents
    3. Can I get admission in kj somaiya, bcoz admin told me they don’t entertain students with gap.

    plz assist me

    contact no.

  3. I have done my first year i BA and now i would like to change my course to BMS.
    I would like to know the procedure for the same. Also tell me what all documents should I produce during my admission?

  4. I have done my first year in BA and now i would like to change my course to BMS.
    I would like to know the procedure for the same. Also tell me what all documents should I produce during my admission?

  5. Hey,
    I have an ATKT in just one subject of sem1. Is possible for me to get admission in another college for sybms if I don’t get any ATKT in sem2 and also clear my sem1 atkt ?

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