Fashion Disasters Only 90’s Kids Can Relate With!                                       



 If you are a 90’s girl you will easily relate to my words here. The most common fashion mistakes we all made in our teens with our wardrobe were many. But this is the list of the most common mistakes all of us made some or the other time. I never had a older sibling to look upon for fashion, many of you would be in that list. Fashion for me was alien. Fashion was everything you saw in the market and the display on the mannequins unless I realized how horrible I was at my fashion sense in those days. Now when I see someone I realize what a fashion disaster I was. So here is the list of some of them.

 Extended highlights

Well we thought we will make a statement but we didn’t. Hair extensions did no good to our fashion sense. Now when I see them I feel how did I do that? Some of you still have them in your back wardrobe. If you are one of them I guess you need some help.

Sandals with socks

Mommies made us wear to save our feet’s from tanning? My mom said me that year ago when asked about it. So obsessed we were with skin color. We still are. Want a proof? Fairness creams sales are still the same or I suppose much more than they were before.

Short dresses with leggings or denim

We live in Indian Society. It is a constant reminder by our parents when we step out of our place, whether you are a kid or a teen or a grown up lady. Your mom always tells you about this. So that little dress is too small and you need to wear these denims/leggings along with it. DISASTER!!

 Mismatch clothes

Remember wearing blue with yellow and green with pink? We all had those combinations when we could not get over our favorite color top and use to pair with the most comfortable denim. Who cared about the color match then?

 Well that is enough for your embarrassment for now. Those disasters were our past and let it be in our past so as to have a good laugh over it.

– Freny Sachde

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