“Fear is good for nothing” says Karishma Mohite, Sathaye College TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Karishma Mohite, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Sathaye College (78.5%)


  • Tell us more about yourself.

First of all, thank you. It is my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Karishma Mohite and I have done my schooling from Mary Immaculate Girls High school. I have done my basics in German language from Max Muller institute.  I am inquisitive and hungry to learn and explore new things always. My positive attitude has helped me a lot to face different situations and broaden my horizons.  I easily adapt myself into the any kind of environment that I am put into this is because I love to understand people. I am choosy, friendly, goal oriented, polite by nature and good command over language has been my strength.


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

My main aim is to understand the subject thoroughly and clear my concepts.  Topping the Exam or being the best is the least on my mind, but yes I was very confident about getting good grades as I was very satisfied with my preparations.  There are quite a few people to whom I can give credit for my success such as faculties from Sathaye College. Being a new student they supported me in every little aspect but my Mother is the vital person who supports me and makes my life very easier in all aspects and I personally feel which is very important for a student to have a peaceful and enjoyable place to study.  There is also another very special person to whom I am thankful to.


  • Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I started preparing for exams way before as I knew that I would be occupied with loads of projects and presentations so as to cover up majority of the syllabus as early as possible. This gave me sufficient time to understand the subjects as well as give my best in projects and presentations.


  • How did you allot time to different subjects?

 I do not have any fixed time table or schedule for my studies as I study as per my convenience. As I mentioned there is no such schedule I follow but I make sure that I study enough till it reaches my satisfaction level.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?

 I just listen to the tips given by the faculties of my college and follow their advice sincerely. There are few Mantras for every subject. Good command over the language, choosing appropriate words while writing, making sure that you interlink everything in a sequence, proper and clear presentation of your ideas and in-depth knowledge about every subject. Case studies can be solved only when you start doubting every line of the paragraph and find answers to same from our learnt matter…. Case studies are always faulty and it hence it has to be rectified with precision.


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

It varies from student to student.  Yes I felt the need to join coaching classes because I analysed that I need to study that subject ( financial management ) rigorously so as to get better understanding of it.


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

No I did not participate in any college fest or extra-curricular activities.  Every student has a different approach towards education and social life so the choice is the totally relies on the student.


  • Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS?

 No I did not do any .


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Honestly I feel I am a normal human being who can manage and cope up with any kind of situation. Exams are just the way to test us what we have learnt from the books. It doesn’t decide our path of life or our future. Fear is good for nothing. If you prepare well you will pass if you don’t you will fail, it is as simple as that. Just because you fail in exams that doesn’t mean one’s life ends there. Every one fails in something in their life but it is how you react to the failure which makes difference in  your life and suicide is the reaction of the failure of the students who has negative approach towards life. I have no such special techniques for stress management because I have very few and very special people around me who makes my life absolutely stress free and I am grateful to them.


  • Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

Yes, I feel practical exposure is more important than theoretical concepts hence the number of industrial visits should be increased so that students can experience the actual corporate world. So far I have visited Durian furniture factory in palghar a chemical plant at taloja which takes care of the industrial wastes and spice factory.


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

The projects should be research based and students should try and visit industries on which they are doing the project. Compulsory reading of economic times, organizing debates and group discussions should be done. Rest I am satisfied with the overall BMS curriculum.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

 Just follow the instructions of the faculties, understand the subjects and the desired results will follow automatically.


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

 I may pursue Masters degree but I am more inclined towards working in the field of my interest.


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