Features Of Marketing Research


Features Of Marketing Research:


(a) Marketing research is concerned with systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of information: In MR, information that is relevant to the marketing problem is collected in a systematic manner from all available sources. Thereafter, the same is tabulated and recorded for systematic scrutiny. Such scrutiny will offer certain specific conclusions useful for solving the marketing problem.


(b) In MR, information is to be collected objectively and accurately:This feature of MR suggests that the required information needs to be collected objectively. In brief, the information collected should be accurate, precise, relevant and properly verified. The conclusions drawn and the remedial measures introduced will be ineffective if the information collected is not reliable.


(c) Marketing research is a tool for solving marketing problems: MR is a means and not the end in itself. It is a tool in the hands of management for identifying and analyzing marketing problems. The purpose is to solve them correctly.


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