Features of Public Relations in Service Sector


The service sector possesses some distinctive characteristics which require a different PR programme. This special feature of service demands a new vision, innovation and a class of professional excellence to market the services effectively and profitably.
The following are important characteristics:
i. Intangibility :
Services are intangible, we cannot touch them. They are not physical objects. In influencing and motivating the customer in services the functional responsibility of PR is quite different. The feature of intangibility complicates the role of PR professionals. The PR personnel do not find it easy to display the positive and negative opinions regarding services. It requires a different outlook.

ii. Perishability :
Unlike labor, services too are perishable. They have a high degree of Perishability. Here the element of times assumes importance.
Services cannot be stored. Unutilized services are an economic waste. Services have a high level of perishability.
This perishability nature of services complicates the functioning of PR professionals. The PR executives must use their professional skills and minimize waste, regularity and consistencies are very important to minimize perishability.

iii. Inseparability :
Services are generally created or supplied simultaneously. They are inseparable. For an example, the entertainment industry, health-experts and other professionals create and offer their services at the same time. Services and their providers are closely associated and thus not separable.
While promoting relations, the PR professionals bear the responsibility of the service built-in in the product as promised.

iv. Heterogeneity :
This characteristic of services makes it difficult to set a standard for any service. The quality of service cannot be standardized, customers rates the services in different ways. This is due the difference in perception of individuals at the level of the providers and users.
As there is no scope for transfer of ownership in the process of providing services, the PR personnel find it difficult experience. Hence he needs to be more careful.

v. Ownership :
In case of services the user only has an access to the services, he cannot own the services, and he cannot own the services. The ownership remains with the provider, as there is no scope for transfer of ownership, the PR personnel requires world class professionalism.

vi. Simultaneity :
Services cannot move through channels of distribution and cannot be delivered to the potential customers and users. Thus, either users are brought to the services or providers go to the users. It is right to say that services have limited geographical area. The PR executives must promote optimum good relations by using their professional skills.

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rohit patil

i am guy very passionate about management and therefore i opted BMS planning for MBA in ahead but needs some ground level experience.

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