Feel at home: The must try Rajasthani dishes!


No matter where we go, we always tend to have a thing for home-cooked food. That “ghar ka khana” is distinguished from all types of food items and world cuisines. So what if it’s simple, we crave for it every time we are away from home. Indian Cuisine in generally has that specialty which makes people feel at home. They different preparation styles, the way the food is served and the way it is eaten,; everything has its own charm. One such cuisine is from the very famous state of Rajasthan, known for its rich culture and heritage. Let’s see what it offers on the serving table!

The Royal Rajasthani Thali:

This Thali is the jumbo combo of the best of Rajasthani food items having a huge steel plate arranged like a carom board with steel vessels or “Katoris” in which various types of famous curries like Gatte ki sabji, Kadhi, Papad ki sabji, Guwar fali ki saag and many more are served. This one Thali is enough for a person and after than one can’t imagine eating anything more for the whole day!

Laal Mans:

The non-vegetarian enthusiasts can always try the authentic Rajasthani mutton dish or Laal Mans which tastes as delicious as it looks. With the red, fiery color and spicy, hot taste; this dish surely sets your taste buds on fire and leaves you overwhelmed by the strong and intense flavors wanting for more!


The millet bread or Bajre ki Roti is very famous in Rajasthan and when coupled with the Lashun ki Chutney or hot garlic paste; just adds to the zing which makes it an irresistible and mouthwatering dish of Rajasthan!



Rajasthan is very famous for its mid-evening snacks in get together like Bikaneri Bhujia, Mirchi Bada and Pyaaj Kachori. The Marwar Kachori from Jodhpur is also a much loved snack.

Sweet Dishes:

When we have a cuisine which is spicy on the rocks style, we obviously need the sweet dish to be the on the same level to soothe the effect. Here dishes like Halwa, Gujia, Imarti and Ghero are very famous. But the sweet tooth is satisfied by the real authentic Malpauas from the land of Pushkar. You wouldn’t want to eat anything else after these delicacies so that the taste doesn’t leave your tongue!

The speciality of Rajasthani food is its authenticity and simplicity in preparations and serving that it makes you feel as if you are at home enjoying your daily meal. So whenever you get to pouch on a Rajasthani Thali, do not think twice and jump on it already!

– Anwesha Rath

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Poonam Gandhi


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