Feeling Bored Alone In A New City? Learn How To Meet New People And Make Good Friends



Are you a shy kind of a person? Do you find it hard to make new friends in a new city? There is nothing to worry about as it’s quite normal. At some point everyone finds it hard to make friends. Some may be conservative; some may be shy and unable to express themselves in front of new people. Usually a lot of things run across one’s mind like whether will they like me? What will they think about me and so on? Am I making a fool out of myself? Every new place has people of different mindset and lifestyle, making new friends at such places could be hard. Here are few tips you can follow to make some new friends and have fun in a new city

  • Look around for people similar to you

Have a good look around the place wherever you go. Instead of checking on people who are already with a bunch of people, connect with people who are looking for friends as they too may be similar to you who may have difficulty to make friends so they may understand you a lot better.

  • Always have a smile on your face

Even though you’re shy or conservative and cannot approach people, what you can simply do is wear a sweet smile on your face, a smile is always welcoming. A simple smile can talk a lot more than words, let your heart out through your smile and it will work magic.

friends in new city

  • Make yourself approachable

If you find it hard to approach someone at least allow people to approach you.

  • Open yourself to a conversation

Break out of your shell and open yourself to a simple conversation like hi and hello. Eventually you can build up a bond with the person, it’s most likely to happen that you may have something in common.

  • Share information

Share your contact details and try and know the person and let that person know you like their likes, dislikes, hobbies etc.

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Daisy Pais


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