Feeling Bored While Traveling? Use These 10 Effective Ways To Pass Your Time



Traveling in Mumbai is the most amazing part of one’s life, a part filled with excitement, togetherness, laughs, feeling of love and friendship, lots of quarrels and little bit of adjustments, a total journey of life. It is rightly said “To travel is to live”.  People of Mumbai are frequent travelers and for them trains and buses are like their second home, where they not only travel but do a lot more things to keep them occupied and avoid boredom. So do you feel ideal and have nothing to do? Does your daily journey bore you? Here are some ways to make effective use of your time while traveling.

  1. Listen to music

Music is the best medicine for boredom and any kind of stress that you go through every day, so fill in your phone or iPods with some amazing hits and slowly tap your feet to the beat. It also helps you to avoid fights that happen in the train.

  1. Keep up to your hobbies

You may have come across people who spend their time knitting or doing so kind of embroidery work, so if you are interested in something like that you can use it to spend your time. In our local trains you can find women even cleaning vegetables in the train to reduce their burden of work for home.

  1. Reading

There are millions of books out in the market, you can pick up any book and engage yourself in reading some amazing stories that can easily spend your time.

  1. Newspaper

If you are a kind of person who wants to keep themselves updated, reading newspaper is the best choice for you guys.


  1. Socializing with people

Open up yourself and socialize with people. Start a conversation with the passenger standing next to you or sitting, this way you can make some new friends who will help you pass your boredom every day. But don’t get yourself into a fight. You may even exchange numbers and continue further conversation.

  1. Play games

Candy crush is like an epidemic, every second person is seen playing that game, and if you too are candy crush fans you can enjoy playing it or any other game as per your interest. You could play ‘Antakshari’ with your group of friends and could also play Sudoku, puzzles that are there in the games section of the newspaper.

  1. Observe people

Observing is another way to pass your time as one can feel the beauty of things happening around them and understands the way people react or behave in a particular situation or surrounding.

  1. To-do list

You can also plan a list of things to do for the day or for the week, this will help you spend your time as well organize your schedule.

  1. Watch movie

With our amazing and useful smart phones we can now watch movies on it. Get the feel of entertainment throughout the travel.

  1. Sleep

The best of all is to have good nap around a bunch a people, listening to soft music, and feel as though sleeping in a cradle. The best and the most effective way to pass time and can make you feel fresh.


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Daisy Pais


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