Feeling Fooled? Learn How You Can Control Your Emotions And Become Mature


emotional quotes

Being emotional is not an issue, but there are few people who are extremely sensitive or emotional to certain situation thereby fall a prey into an emotional trap due to their nature and are often labeled as ‘Emotional Fools’. So let’s not be disheartened, here are few tips one can follow to make them emotional strong and stable and not be an emotional fool.

  • Analyze your weakness

The most important thing one needs to do for not being an emotional fool is trying to figure out one’s weakness and the reasons of being sensitive to situations, this is how you can come up with ways to control your emotions at such circumstances.

  • Build up your strength

Once you have analyzed your weaknesses, try to come out with ways to overcome them and build up your strength, enhance the qualities of self-confidence and self-reliance when you spend your time with others.

  • Be there for yourself

Even though there will be a lot of people to help you get out of such situations, but one must remember that you need to be there for yourself. No one else except you can help you to make yourself strong and better.

  • Do not let anyone control you

People who are emotionally unstable are usually let down by people, and are dominated because they know your weakness. So do not let anyone control you or your emotions and mold it the way they want it to be. Try and keep yourself strong and don’t let the situation or the people affect you.

  • Keep yourself firm

Don’t fall in anyone’s words; follow the practice of saying a ‘No’ whenever the need arises, keep yourself firm. Do not hold on to people who disrespect your feelings.

  • Do some exercise

There are a lot of exercises which can help to develop mental strength, regulate your thoughts, manage your emotions and help you behave in a positive manner.

 emotional fool

Getting your emotions under your control is not an easy task, a lot of patience and positive attitude is needed to make one self-strong, never think that you’re week. Practice makes a man perfect, and it should start from today. The time you can handle yourself and your emotions, automatically one can develop maturity in them. It is rightly said “Sometimes it’s better to lock your feelings deep inside and be cool rather than being a puppet of your own emotions and appear as Emotional Fool”.     

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Daisy Pais


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