Female Foeticide in India : Are We Really Progressive?


Female feoticide is that cruel act of killing the child in the womb simply because it is a female or a girl child. Female is one of god’s creations. God created man first and then with the bone of his rib he created a female. A man is supposed to be the best creation, while a woman (female) is said to be one of gods beautiful creation. When god created a man he created a rough draft of a human being. When he created a woman he created her out of the man who is turned out to be a masterpiece. They were the first human on this earth Adam and eve. Adam was given eve so that he gets company and doesn’t feel alone.

A male is incomplete without a female. If god thought of women (female) to be so important then why we as humans consider a female or a girl child bad. Why do we kill the girl child? People in the rural area abort the girl child. They want a male child so that they can take the family name further and have their own family. Is this what is correct?  If yes then to further have a family they would require a female who can conceive and have children. From where will they get this female if all the people want a male child? The world will be filled with male children and no women to marry. Then how would you as a male marry? Would you have to marry another married woman? Will you change the sexual organs of a man and turn in to a woman so that he can concieve?

People who try to abort babies who see girl child as a burden are the ones who are disgusting. They should realise that they are just making the situation worst for the younger generations. If there are no girls then who would your boy look at? He would have to look at a man. A man and a man share a relationship called homosexuality. In homosexuality you cannot produce children. Reproduction doesn’t happen when two men get intimate but it happens when a man and women get intimate. If this is explained to the people who are against the women or the girl child then may be this shall add some sense into their tiny conservative brains.

Abortion in itself is a sin. In catholic religion it is considered a sin. It is violation of the commandment of you shall not kill. This is the most grieves sins of all which is going against what god has created. It is about going against the will of god himself. Don’t you fear god? No one has the right to take life away from you except god himself. Only god can give you death, humans are not called to kill others. If euthanasia also known as mercy killing is illegal according to the law then isn’t abortion the same thing. The only difference is that mercy killing is done out of a helplessness and abortion is done due to hatred towards a particular gender. This is not fair towards the female groups.

India being a country of richness and culture has always been an example of female feoticide. How hypocrite isn’t it? India has a culture of worshipping the different goddess of wealth health and education. Still we see female feoticide here in India. Two contradicting statements are about this beautiful country of ours is India. Although a lot of people have tried so hard to change the minds of others over this female feoticide. “Durga maa” who we call goddess durga is the goddess who destroys the evil. She is worshipped throughout India. This goddess is a woman. If we worship women then why kill the girl child.

The girl child had been rejected and unwanted child. As a girl would have to pay dowry to the family where she would go. But today dowry is not considered. Women are attractive but they are not to be used. They are not sex objects that can be used for pleasure and removed their frustration on. They are not your personal ATM that you ask money anytime anyhow and anywhere.  The girl child today is considered a blessing and indeed she is a blessing to the family in which she is born. When a girl child is born she is called laxmi. Laxmi the goddess, resembles money, Sarasvati means education. All these are names of goddesses are given to the girl child. How lucky is the family that has a girl child.

A boy will be never being able to understand a father and a mother the way a girl will. Girls come with a sensitive nature and understand emotions and feelings. A girl child is far more sensible than a boy child. Girls help their parents at working at home. Men usually don’t help that much. Killing the girl child won’t help. Let her grow and educate her so that she will learn and take care of the family. Female foeticide is the worst thing someone could do. Killing the little baby. When the baby is just growing in the womb how can you be so cruel? If you ever see the procedure of the abortion you would be so shattered by the way it all takes places.

Abortion is done by using a rod like thing that has a two way scissor that is put inside the womb and part of the baby is broken down and removed. Apart from this there are pills and injections that can be make abortion happen. It is a grievance sin and you should never kill the baby especially if it is a girl child. Remember you as a woman; have been given the gift to bear a child and by disrespecting the gift of giving birth to a child you disrespect god. Abortion doesn’t make you not look pregnant it makes you the mother of a dead child.


  • Carren bryne.

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