Few Random Facts That Every Indian Should Know About NITI AAYOG


The term NITI stands for National Institution for Transforming India. This is done to improve the economic scenario in India. Here are few facts about NITI Aayog that you need to know

1. The first meeting of NITI Aayog was held on 6th of February.

2. Our Prime minister Narendra Modi conducted the meeting with economist and also experts from various fields.


3. NIIT Aayog is actually the replacement of the 65-year old outdated Planning Commission.

old vs new
old vs new

4. It isn’t precise yet whether this body is Government Body or an Economic Commission for the nation.

5. This organization is also to control big infrastructure’s projects and is supposed to act as model to generate revenue in the Indian Economy.

6. The special invitees include Nitin Gadkari, Smriti Irani and Thawar Chand Gehlot.

Roads Highways and Transport Minister- Nitin Gadhkari
Roads Highways and Transport Minister- Nitin Gadhkari


Human Resource Development Minister-Smriti Irani
Human Resource Development Minister-Smriti Irani


Social Justice and Empowerment  Minister-Thawar Chand Gehlot
Social Justice and Empowerment Minister-Thawar Chand Gehlot

It seems that this new NITI AAYOG has brought about new weapon in the country to break the shackles of the nation’s hindrances to become another developed country in the world.

A complete view on NITI AAYOG-

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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