Everything You Need To Know About FIFA



FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association) For the Game. For the World. It is an international governing bodyof association football, futsal & beach soccer. Its membership comprises 209 national associations with its headquarter in Zurich, Switzerland. FIFA is responsible for the organization of footballs major tournaments notably the World Cup. FIFA was founded in Paris on 21 May 1904.

Membership of FIFA expanded beyond Europe with the application of South Africa in 1908, Argentina & Chile in 1912 & Canada & United States in 1913.


The president & the General Secretary are the main officeholders of FIFA, And are in charge of its daily administration, carried out by general Secretariat, with its staff of approximately 280 members. The laws that govern football ,known officially as the laws of the Game are not solely the responsibility of FIFA , they are maintained by a body called the international Football Association Board(IFAB)


The world cup was first held in 1930, when FIFA president & French Jules Rimet decided to stage an international football tournament. The inaugural edition was held in Uruguay in 1930 was contested as the final tournament with only 13 teams invited by the organization. Since then there are many successive expansions  & format remodeling to its current 32 team final tournament preceded by a two year qualifying process. After that in every four year the world cup tournament is held with the current tournament i.e 2014 is going on in Brazil. & the next edition i.e 2018 going to be held in Russia & after that FIFA world cup is going to be held in Qatar i.e 2022 edition.


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Ayesha Patel


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