FIFA DIARIES: End of an Era – Spain!


spain team

Spain defeated Australia 3-0 it was a game for dignity as both these teams were already knocked out from the group stages by Netherlands and Chile. This game may not have any value officially as both these teams had no chance of advancing but it had an immense value emotionally specially to the defending champion Spain.

The Spain’s old guard were playing probably their last world cup game ever and as it is sad to see world’s best go but it is the reality of life and for the football fans it was an emotional game to see the end of the era where Spain ruled the world through their greatest of players like Xavi, Iniesta, Villa.

These were the players who were a key figure in success of Spain and now the team will probably start looking for their replacements, they do have quality and talent in their country and there is no doubt they will have good players around but legends are legends and it would be tough to find an ideal replacement.

Many say the Spain’s trademark style Tiki-Taka has been mastered by opponents and it has reached its end. If it is true than last match was a sign of the end of tiki-taka but a football style just cannot end. There can be variations brought to this style but it may never end. But as history speaks, big teams never go out, they somehow recover and a talented young squad of Spain will surely prove that they are never going down.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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