FIFA Mania – The Countdown Begins



It was ‘waka waka’ and now it’s time for Brazil. Hardly any person can wait for the last week when the kick off between Brazil and Croatia will take place at San Paulo. Last time Spain stunned every critic into silence post the predictions of Paul-the Octopus. And now it gets more intense since the scheduled tournament takes place in Brazil, the backyard of Football.

With the economy of Brazil into a certain depression such a world class event will help it all to boast the development and overcome the crisis. So far the infrastructure of stadiums was in delays and red spots, however the media pressure got hold of authorities and they are back on schedule.

Jerseys and kits production of official sponsors Nike has rose over 250% of actual capacity and will lead to heavy profit in the Second quarter of 2014. Thus it’s not just the fans and player that will make money!!

Prostitution is another area (however grey) which Brazil boasts itself of. Legalised in 2001, hookers from all round the globe will migrate here to make a fortune overnight (literally) and will flock on the streets in large numbers stiffening the competition.

Tourism industry will be in boom during the month long tournament with all hotels reserved prior 3 months and the waiting list increasing at galloping rate. Also the food and beverages industry is facing crisis for managing stock to feed millions of people migrating to Brazil. The estimate of last world cup’s beer consumption was about 79 million litres, hence provision of double the amount need to be made for current year.

Just 9 days are left before the epic saga to start and I can’t imagine any man, who is not waiting for ‘waving flag’; to gulp down pitchers of beer and the hooters to sound all across stadium. Till then start your preparation because it’s just a week away now!!

-Vibhav Galadagekar 

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