FIFA World Cup 2014 : Players To Undergo Drug Test


Article 9

The organizing committee of Fifa world cup is taken up an ambitious mission for the first time to make sure that every player who takes part in the world Cup has a drug test and carries a ‘ biological passport’. This biological passport will consist of all the details regarding blood test and urine test of the particular athletics.The Fifa governing body has even appointed a team of doctors and nurses since March. The team has started carrying out random blood and urine test at international and team training camps.

The team visited Lionel Messi’s Argentina and France last week at their camps to prepare for the tournament according to a media report. Few of the famous players that gave their samples at the last year’s Confederations Cup are Brazilian star Neymar, Italian captain Gianluigi Buffon and Spain’s Andres Iniesta. Chelsea, Barcelona, Santos and Monterrey stars were tested during international club competitions over the past 18 months.

“We can test anybody, anytime, anywhere, any amount of times” – says FIFA’s cheif medical officer Jiri Dvorak far  no serious matter has come up according to Dvorak. “The haematological parameters are normal”-He added.

The test consists of carrying out an inspection for discrepancies in the haemoglobin and red cells that could indicate EPO doping or other banded efforts to boost endurance. These kinds of test are usually performed in cycling and athletics. The governing body also checks or anabolic steroids in the urine.Full co-operation is given from the player’s side because they understand why is this important and they consider that kind of examination as part of their professional life.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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