FIFA World Cup 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages


FIFA World Cup 2014 is scheduled to be conducted from 12 June 2014 to 13 July 2014 in Brazil. It is an international men’s football tournament and this year it will be the 20th FIFA World Cup. 32 teams from 5 confederations will be competing in this year’s tournament.

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Here we present FIFA World Cup 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages:


  • “We have still to produce our best, and this is not possible until we meet the right sort of opponents, and that is a team that comes out to play football and not act as animals,” – Ramsey.
  • “I am a nationalist and I regard such behaviour not only as an affront to Italian pride but also an offence to a country which two years ago opened its doors to him. I have no intention of paying a salary to someone who has ruined Italian soccer.” – Gaucci
  • “There is no easy group because in football everything can happen in 90 minutes. But again, you have to play and you never know what can happen” -FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke


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  7. FIFA World Cup 2014 HD Wallpapers, Images, Wishes For Facebook, WhatsApp
  8. FIFA World Cup 2014 Facebook Status, WhatsApp Quotes, Orkut Scraps, Pictures
  9. FIFA World Cup Quotes, Texts Messages, Sayings, SMS In English For WhatsApp
  10. FIFA World Cup HD Images, Greetings, Wallpapers Free Download
  11. FIFA World Cup Greetings, Wishes, Images, HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp, Facebook
  12. FIFA World Cup HD Wallpapers, Images, Wishes For Facebook, WhatsApp
  13. FIFA World Cup HD Images, Wallpapers, Orkut Scraps, Whatsapp, Facebook
  14. FIFA World Cup Facebook Greetings, WhatsApp HD, Images, Wallpapers, Scraps For Orkut
  15. FIFA World Cup SMS, Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Facebook Status In English


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