FIFA World Cup 2014: Top Players With Lots Of Expectations Upon Them


Article 7

The most awaited tournament ‘ FIFA World Cup 2014’ for all the football fans and lovers in the world is around the corner, We look forward to some of the greatest players of all time around the globe  with lot of expectations on them to show wonders at the battlefield  in Brazil with the whole world watching them perform.

The following are the few top players from around the globe

1) Christiano Ronaldo (Position- Forward, Age- 29, Country- Portugal)

Christiano is a name which comes into light enlightens the heart of each and every football fan. The Real Madrid forward player who recently won the UEFA champions league with its club is all set to take on the World Cup title in his bag or at least prove to be a difficult opponent for his star rival, Lionel Messi.

2) Lionel Messi (Position- Forward, Age-26, Country- Argentina)

The star player of Barcelona and world famous Lionel Messi is all set to go for the glory at the World Cup. Though Barcelona had a tough time in the La Liga and the champions league but won’t deter the chances of Lioenl Messi doing wonders 0n the pitch. Though the star player hadn’t performed much well on international duty and perhaps this is the chance to get the hands on that coveted golden trophy.

3) Mario Balotelli (Position – Striker, Age-23, Country- Italy)

Though Italy might not have many expectations to be termed as the favourites to win this year’s World Cup but the 2006 champions will have optimum hopes on AC Milans striker Mario Balotelli to give them the boast ahead of their clash with England.

4) Wayne Rooney (Position- striker, Age-28, Country – England)

Though having a disastrous last year in the Manchester United club but with the emergence of the likers of Raheem Sterling, Alex Oxlade- Chamberlain and Ross Barkley: The pressure around Wayne’s Rooney’s Shoulder should be less now. The Manchester United striker does have to the potential and confidence to live-up to the expectations of his fans in the World-Cup tournament.



– By Burhan Fatehi


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